A note from the founder

Mei Ling Doery
02 Aug 2023

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change."

- Charles Darwin

Well, hello there.

I imagine a world where humans thrive as a by-product of great design. Whether athletes or astronauts, c-suite dwellers or soldiers — in my medical experience, humans seek deeper answers about their health and lives. My search to understand transformation led me to the worlds of wellbeing, innovation, and entrepreneurship. I’m drawn to the challenge of aligning capital (all forms) with long-term human empowerment. In response, I founded MDMD, a venture design and strategy practice.

How did we get here?

Much of  this came from working closely with c-suite executives and clinicians witnessing the impact of workaholism close up. Observing these ‘respectable addicts’ exact a culture of decision-making not informed by a feeling function put on view the predictable breakdown syndrome. Beginning with the loss of integrity, this arc played out the effects of damage to our most precious assets – our health and connections.

I also came to witness the alternative reality - founders and investors who departed from default culture to pioneer new algorithms centred about humans and human connection.

If you think you have something that you could add to the team then feel free to contact us

How we like to play

MDMD is not slavish to ideology, rather we collectively seek to form strategy that aligns a founder’s deepest values to people, planet and profit. In achieving this, we establish the conditions for founders mastered a way of being where success is no longer a destination. It is a lived experience. This means a type of performance that doesn’t drain energy - rather it delivers it.

Work we love.

Among our favourite projects include the opportunity to reposition facial recognition technology to radically improve safety within aged care facilities world wide(LoopSafe), reinstating social contract through rewarding payers for early and on time payments(Parakeet), accelerating the first post-back male fertility test(Sapyen) and a national campaign to legislate consent (TeachUsConsent).

What happens next?

Among Since 2020, we have helped clients create transformational companies—built on commercial potential and designed for wholehearted growth. Now, on the verge of 2024, what happens next?

Our clients are grappling with that question in ways that re-imagine business, resources, information, and how we learn and consume. Do you have a project you’d like to speak with us about?

Get in touch HERE

If you think you have something that you could add to the team then feel free to contact us