When Breath Becomes Air
by Paul Kalanithi
Why we love it
It’s rare where a book is exquisitely compelling in both its prose and content. When Breath Becomes Air is not only the work of a skilled author who poses life’s great questions with the deftness of a neurosurgeon, but also one which will make you laugh, cry, and examine everything about your life’s course.
Why it’s a must read
This beautifully written memoir explores questions of mortality and resilience. Encouraging us to accept and confront the inevitability of death, emphasising the importance of embracing the present and appreciating life’s many unquantifiable joys. As he poignantly reflects, “even if I’m dying, until I actually die, I am still living.” Left unsaid is that he continues to live on through the life-affirming lessons and advice he imparts each reader. While an outwardly tragic and sad experience to delve into – a sense of sadness is undeniable and yet another reminder of the dynamic human experience – his introspective journey proves profoundly inspiring.
Goes perfectly with
A patch of grass under a tree, and a box of kleenex
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by Ray Dalio
Why we love it
It’s been said that the difference between wisdom and cleverness is better than average. In the world of entrepreneurship, it’s not uncommon for people to speak about ‘quick wins’, or ‘smarts’ - however the [thing] that matters over the long haul is mastery. Ray Dalio’s capacity to distil hard-won life and investing intelligence into a digestible and actionable philosophy makes this book one to cherish.
Why it’s a must read
Building the future demands the capacity for robust first principles thinking. It’s for this reason that Principles by Ray Dalio made the cut for our must reads. Beyond widespread acclaim at the time of publishing, Ray Dalio’s 600 page tomb delivers philosophical pearls as an easy to digest (albeit long) how-to guide. In addition to delivering insight into his own riveting personal story, it details Dalios professional ascension and the thinking that got Bridgewater capital [there].
Whilst pragmatic and instructional, Principles is also full of humility in making an argument for individuals to more actively cultivate reflectiveness. This is significant given prevailing dogma for entrepreneurs suggests preferencing individual success at the expense of others – more over to develop the kind of self esteem that allows pointed criticism to be harnessed for self-improvement. Principles is a book that is likely to be around for decades to come.
Goes perfectly with
A week off in a log cabin.
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Zero To One
by Peter Thiel
Why we love it
You may not agree with his politics, but Thiel’s incisive analysis of what an entrepreneur is and takes, is an unmissable read from one of Silicon Valley’s most prolific and successful investors.
Why it’s a must read
Whilst the author’s own professional trajectory is worth studying given his credibility as a risk taker who has repeatedly beaten the odds, this book’s worth supersedes narrative value. Rather than prescribing a clear path, Zero to One articulates the need to embrace first principles thinking: “today’s ‘best practices’ lead to dead ends; the best paths are new and untried”. Peter Thiel arrives at the heart of entrepreneurship with a realistic grasp on what it takes to generate the kind of “disruptive creative monopoly” that future building demands. Rigorously argued, Zero to One is a modern entrepreneurial classic written by a giant of the startup world.
Goes perfectly with
Multiple strong coffees.
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Why we love it
“Alana is a bonafide trailblazer in Silicon Valley among the likes of Sheryl Sandberg and Marissa Meyer. Yet years after she has called out the critical need for women to be around the table, the participation and power gap is still yawning. If you care about walking the talk, Alana is someone to lean in and listen to.” - Mei Ling Doery
Why it’s a must read
Building a future fit-for\-purpose requires input from those who will inhabit it. This means the 51% or more of us who are women. Adventures of Women in Tech gives voice to how and why women are essential to the industry. It also explores the varied yet fundamentally shared lived experiences of women joining, leading, and prospering within today’s top tech companies.
Although the book is arguably aimed at women, it’s an important read for everyone. For women, it highlights why tech cannot truly advance without them, along with actionable advice on navigating a career in the sector. And, for men, it provides insight into how they can prevent this wealth of talent from being overlooked. This anthology of relatable accounts encourages readers to take the initiative in championing for women belonging – not merely surviving – as the norm.
Goes perfectly with
A large pack of chips, post-it notes, and commitment to the cause
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Build: An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making
by Tony Fadell
Why we love it
“The world is riddled with ‘stuff’. But, how much of it truly improves our real bodies, real lives and communities? Exactly. The fact that something sells (or is addictive) does’t justify its existence. Fadell’s book is an important mental workout in understanding what it took to deliver great products to market. This is an essential armoury for anyone who, beyond making things, wants to make a difference”. - Mei Ling Doery
Why it’s a must read
Part memoir, part business field guide, Fadell deconstructs the lessons he learnt from over 30 years in Silicon Valley creating some of the world’s most impactful products. Before he led the teams that would create the iPod, iPhone, and Nest Thermostat, he spent years toiling away at products that ultimately failed. However, rather than give up, he used those experiences to set the stage for his subsequent successes. Leveraging crucial earnings which he’s translated into actionable advice that willsave product builders significant time and stress in designing products that matter.
Whilst there are many books offering advice on the entrepreneurial journey, few can claim the scope and depth, nor the first-hand experience, possessed by Fadell. Whether it be rubbing shoulders with icons such as Steve Jobs and …, or …, he’s done it all. Reading this refreshing and captivating account is an enlightening insight into what it really takes to …
Goes perfectly with
A notepad and a sharpened pencil.
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Atlas of the Heart
by Brene Brown
Why we love it
As strategists working at the intersection of vision and execution, understanding the full spectrum of human emotion is critical in grasping a founder's definition and experience of success. It’s one thing to attain culturally dictated markers of achievement and quite another to cultivate a company that can attain commercial prosperity whilst holding onto core values.
Why it’s a must read
As much as any other domain of human endeavour, venture and building the future demands literacy in human connection. Whether pitching to a room full of investors or team-building, understanding the irrational elements of human decision making are essential to interpersonal effectiveness.
So often prevailing dogma incentivises ‘hustle’ when the key to sustained high integrity performance is flow. This demands understanding ourselves and others. In the words of the author Dr Brene Brown: “we need language and the grounded confidence to both tell our stories, and to be stewards of the stories that we hear. This is the framework for meaningful connection.” In a world struggling in the face of a meaning-crisis, Atlas of the Heart provides a map back to what matters – whether in the home or in the workplace. This painstakingly researched and compiled book will stand the test of time.
Goes perfectly with
Tea and the most luxurious chocolate you can lay your hands on
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Why we love it
Humour is a highly adaptive defence mechanism, the ability to combine or apply it in a work setting is an artform. I loved this book as it gives us a way to bring levity into the day to day grind of life.
Why it’s a must read
A pie is thrown at the all-too-common belief of entrepreneurs needing to be intense and serious in their all-consuming focus to build a business. Based on a popular Stanford Business School course, the authors take us on a memorable This is a welcome deviation from the typically serious tones of business books, providing a funny and insightful commentary on why levity is your friend. Likeability is crucial in the entrepreneurial journey. A fundamental measure by which one raises funds, hires staff, builds networks, and drives product retention. Seriously, read it!
Goes perfectly with
Popcorn and (of course) a good sense of humour
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Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
by Dr Robert Cialdini
Why we love it
There are few books which are informed by 35 years of evidence-based, peer-reviewed scientific research. The author Dr Robert Cialdinini comes to writing equipped with decades of ‘time on the tools’ including a three-year field study on what leads people to change. First published in 1984,Influence is a comprehensive guide to using these principles to move others.
Why it’s a must read
Among life’s guarantees is the need to negotiate. Even more so for those undertaking the entrepreneurial journey, where juggling daily pressures of scarce time and resources is the norm. Cialdini’s book provides actionable advice on how to acquire this crucial life skill, presenting a memorable framework to navigate any negotiation. Critically, Influence delivers insights on how to stop people stonewalling your requests or low-balling your value. This is a highly accessible read which, although backed by significant research, focuses on what you can do rather than endless pages of theoretical HR scenarios.
Goes perfectly with
A glass of your best vino
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