A curated collection of resources, thoughts and insights to help you and your company grow.

If you think you have something that you could add to the team then feel free to contact us

What a time

The past couple of years has dissolved barriers between work and home, research and commerce, actions and consequences, our desks and the fridge. But we’re facing new ones too.

From closed borders to clunky Zoom meets, there were moments of disconnect, but we kept and continue to keep our brains firing (and spirits alive) by staying in touch, digging for inspiration, remembering that our friends exist, and taking practical action for the planet.

The MDMD extended family

It takes a village. MDMD relies on ours to provide our clients with sage legal counsel, great photos, up to the minute public relations insight, improved capital strategy and/or a healthy dose of wisdom. If you need any of these things, we recommend anyone on this list.

Disclaimer: We take conflict of interest seriously and disclose any such issues pre-emptively

Are trademarks more important than patents?

The short history of the venture can at times feel littered with examples of well funded vapour. Examined objectively, intellectual property remains a robust surrogate for long term value creation.

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Here is an example of a blog post tile.

Content still TBA

Do we want/need a longer caption for this? If we have blog posts it might help to post a short snipit/insight as to why it's here.

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Here is an example of a blog post tile.

Content still TBA

Do we want/need a longer caption for this? If we have blog posts it might help to post a short snipit/insight as to why it's here.

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Does Character Still Count?

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A note from the founder
The short history of the venture can at times feel littered with examples of well funded vapour. Examined objectively, intellectual property remains a robust surrogate for long term value creation.

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Are trademarks more important than patents?
The short history of the venture can at times feel littered with examples of well funded vapour. Examined objectively, intellectual property remains a robust surrogate for long term value creation.

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Here is an example of a blog post tile.

Content still TBA

Do we want/need a longer caption for this? If we have blog posts it might help to post a short snipit/insight as to why it's here.

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Here is an example of a blog post tile.

Content still TBA

Do we want/need a longer caption for this? If we have blog posts it might help to post a short snipit/insight as to why it's here.

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Here is an example of a blog post tile.

Content still TBA

Do we want/need a longer caption for this? If we have blog posts it might help to post a short snipit/insight as to why it's here.

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