What is the name of your startup, company or organisation?
First Name*
Last Name
Contact Email*
Anything else to add?
Have you got a project in mind?
Summarise why you're considering an engagement with MDMD? (Don't hold back!)
It’s always better to start with more info. than less. Please provide an overview about your company, startup, organisation, how/why it began, leading up to the current situation. What has been working? Challenging? threatening progress? What are the key opportunities as you see it.
Aims & Objectives*
Top–level, big picture, macro and micro, here’s the chance to make sure we all know what we’re trying to achieve. Are we shooting for a listing, new investment or succeeding at your next grant application? Are we talking unicorn or zebra? (We can explain the animals...)
Who are we speaking to? (Be as specific as possible) What is stopping them from saying 'hell yes' right now? How will we reach them? What is the one thing we must convince our key audiences of for them to engage? What emotion will motivate them to act?
Key dates
Please list any (project) milestones and delivery deadlines.
From you current field of view, please list of all items that are to be delivered. (This will be reviewed in reference to the challenge and either confirm or make recommendations regarding scope.)
Top three outcomes
What would make for a successful engagement?